UX Service Design


Designers shooting for usable is like a chef shooting for edible. -Aarron Walter-

Akurey's launch event, july 2016

Akurey's launch event, july 2016

WordCamp Costa Rica, November 2016

WordCamp Costa Rica, November 2016

Nathalie Howell-Flores

I studied industrial design engineering at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology, and I also made one year at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd in Germany.

I like to call myself a usability engineer. I work in user interfaces, user experiences, information architecture and information design. This year I also have been working on service design and UX strategy.  

In general, I make digital products easy to use and experiences with a smooth flow :) I study the users and customers, so I can create interfaces and services based on what they need, without forgetting what my client wants.

Talks + Workshops